Home / Testimonials / The multigenerational books have answered a lot of questions

I can’t say all that the Neothink Society has done for me personally. My life is so different then it was before. My life was so disorganized and upside down for most of my life. I pretty much raised myself and being organized it took the Neothink Society for me to get my life right side up. I was roaming around Anchorage and surrounding areas last year living in my motor home. I got some construction training last summer and have my CDL with all my endorsements. I can operate any piece of heavy equipment out there. I was overweight by about 35 lbs. I’m alone and have been almost 3 years. I was on high blood pressure medicine and taking pain pills for chronic arithitis pain all over my body. I was without a job before I joined the Neothink Society. I am now working about 6 X 12s. I lost 30lbs or more. I don’t have a scale to see just exactly how much. I have changed my diet and exercise and no longer need high blood medicine or pain pills. That is what the Neothink Society has done for me.

I now run the scale house with very little direction from my boss. I do the job of 4 people. I have my mini-day posted on my wall. I made around 1.8 million in gross sales last month and sold over 147,000 tons of dirt. I have the Neothink Society to thank for multigenerational books as a guide. The multigenerational books have answered a lot of questions I had for years that went un-answered.

I have found some amazing discoveries through my own personal use of supplements. I use fish oil supplements to keep my skin moist. I am using energized water that I learned how to make myself. One of the things, I have noticed lately when I eat or drink dead food. I can feel my blood pressure rise. Maybe a key to keep blood pressure under control is to eat live food such as out of your back yard from your own garden. Eat weeds. They are medcinal plants. 

Top of the World Super A-Team, LLC 
Wasilla, AK

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